
106.9 the light a quick word with beth moore
106.9 the light a quick word with beth moore

106.9 the light a quick word with beth moore

In it are some pretty good things, including… On her website,, there is a mission statement (). I know that the issue of women teaching men is not popular, but to what do we submit - popular opinion or God’s word? See, “ Should Women Be Pastors and Elders?” Beth Moore Mission Statement, but no doctrinal statement Though she is not doing it from a church pulpit, she is teaching on T.V. 2:12-13)? She is teaching people, including men. 13 For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve,” (1 Tim. Is this appropriate for her since she is a woman and Paul says, “But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet.


I’d like to say that Beth Moore definitely needs a proper theological education and needs to learn how to exegete Scripture better. However, there are some significant issues worth addressing. In fact, I found little with which to disagree. Now, please understand that this is not a “heresy hunt.” Beth Moore definitely teaches a lot of good things right out of the word of God. She has written numerous books and Bible studies, including Breaking Free, Believing God, The Patriarchs, and most recently, James: Mercy Triumphs that have been read by women of all ages, races, and denominations.” 2 ibid She taught at Houston’s First Baptist Church and now is at the Bayou City Fellowship. “Beth founded Living Proof Ministries in 1994 with the purpose of teaching women how to love and live on God’s Word.

106.9 the light a quick word with beth moore

1 /about She is married with two children. She has received an “honorary doctorate in humanities from Howard Payne University”. Beth Moore was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

106.9 the light a quick word with beth moore